Speed MP3 Downloader All the ideas and discussions
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QA: Bugs and Enhancement Requests

GUI: Ability to sort by column
GUI: Ability to change column size
GUI: Ability to change column location
GUI: Ability to choose Quality (Kbps) in the Search (helps make list shorter)
GUI: Download the search as a list: it would be more useful if you could then edit that list and submit it back to the application for downloading.
GUI: There should be a way to change the functionality of what clicking the Title will do (I.E.: Settings>Title Link: 1. Play Song, 2. Download, 3. Display Information Details, 4. Do nothing).
Embeded Player: Ability to stop downloading if you pause the player.
Functionality: After the file downloads and it is moving it to the location choosen for the completed downloads, and the Player is playing a file, the player will freeze for a few seconds until the application has completed its copy delete process.
Embeded Player: Forward/Rewind does not play from cache, but begins donwload of song again. Needs to have cache for speed, efficiency, and bandwidth conservation.

Luis Perez , 30.12.2011, 10:51
Idea status: under consideration


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